This section introduces Op-Amp current voltage converters such as the current-to-voltage converter, the voltage-to-current converter and constant-current source & the peak detector. Constant Current Source using op amp Due to stable voltage supply and virtual ground in inverting terminal a constant current is generated. Input resistance of op-amp is extremely high (ideally infinite), so negligible …
Integrator and Differentiator using opamp
Integrator simulates mathematical integration of a function and differentiator simulates mathematical operation differentiation of a function. Here we are discussing about Integrator and Differentiator using opamp. Integration is basically a summing process that determines the total area under the curve of a function. Differentiation is determining the instantaneous rate of change of a function. Op-Amp …
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Summing Amplifier using op amp
Summing amplifier using op amp have two or more inputs connected to the inverting terminal and non inverting terminal is grounded (Inverting amplifier configuration). Its output will be negative of the algebraic sum of inputs. Hence the name summing amplifier. It have a negative feedback. Summing amplifier have two variations – summing amplifier with unity …
Linear and Nonlinear Applications of OP-Amp
Op-Amp or operational amplifier have a lot of applications in the modern era of integrated circuits. It can be used in its amplifier mode or switching mode, When the mode of op-amp changes its performance also changes. with this mode change, reference voltage change, feed back change (positive or negative or maybe no feedback) and …
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Op-amp comparator circuit
op-amp comparator circuit is an open loop circuit. Because open loop op-amp have very high voltage gain. so small difference in input signals are detected. Here two signals which are to be compared are connected to the two input terminals. output will be either + Vcc or – Vcc. This op-amp camparator circuit is used …